Eating healthy can be very challenging. Stress eating is so common and contributes to obesity and other disorders from diabetes to hypertension, sleep apnea, and increased risk for heart attacks and strokes. As a certified health coach, I get asked all the time how to break bad habits.
1st step to eating healthy:
Let’s start with a simple step. Add one meal to your day that contains at least 3-4 different veggies. They can be any color, and the more the color, more the antioxidants they contain. Antioxidants help reduce the damage caused by free radicals that are released when we are stressed out. You can eat your veggies in a salad or soup or in a wrap or with rice or just like that. Aim to do this every day. Do this at least for a week and you will notice it gets easier every day. As always, do plan your meals ahead of time. It’s so much easier if you buy your groceries with a list at hand and follow the plan. Planning is one of the most important habits to cultivate. You can make a list on your smartphone or just jot it down on paper.
An average person can be nutrient deficient, and there is an increase in micronutrient malnutrition. According to this publication, the most common deficiencies are iron, Vit A, Iodine, folate, and zinc. Many have more than one micronutrient deficiency. The good news is that by incorporating more veggies and fruits and making sure you get at least 3-5 helpings of these every day, you can overcome these deficiencies. So, why not start with one helping a day to 3-5 helpings daily so it becomes a habit, just like you brush your teeth every day.
Referenced here
Ann NutrMetab 2015;66(suppl 2):22-33
The Epidemiology of Global Micronutrient Deficiencies
Bailey R.L.a, b • West Jr. K.P.b • Black R.E.b
Author affiliations
Keywords: EpidemiologyMicronutrientdeficienciesVitaminsMinerals